Monday, June 27, 2011

The many faces of Addie

The last few weeks have been busy - is there any other way to live? Not in the Jacobs family. Grandma Jeanne has been over to see us, Rick and I ran a half marathon, we traveled to Pacific City to see Great Aunt Patty and Great Uncle Dave, Rochelle came to town and I had a bout of food poisoning while Rick was working out of town....Yikes - what a busy last three weeks. Addie is almost talking to us, lots of sign language with opinionated statements. Adalie is still doing really well going to sleep around 7pm and sleeping until 6am. Her favorite food as of the moment is watermelon and maybe her honey nut O's. She is not much for mac and cheese or peanut butter sandwiches but put a bowl of coconut seafood curry in front of her and she's a happy girl, messy but happy. The new house is still amazing - it is very efficient and the running trails around the house are great.

Sugar sugar sugar please

Thank God the finish line is in sight!!!!

Happy fourth of July to everyone!