Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Really it's March! OMG -

"really mom...really"

"Pretty music"

My daddy is so loving!

Pretty jelly fish

Happy Grandma, we match!

My daddy is so funny

ahh cute little baby

We see you!

Yep - I'm walking...hands up as always :)

AHAHHH now I'm running - come get me!

Happy March, time has flown by and I feel like I'm just trying to hold on without getting bucked off! Quick update we are all doing well and Adalie is now running!!!!

We have had lots of travel over the past two months. Trips to the coast to visit Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs, Trips to help Great Grandpa Loverin move,Our first aquarium visit, a birthday for Greatgrandma Jacobs, a birthday party for Miss Megan, meeting Grandma and Grandpa Handschuch and my first trip without Adalie and Rick...phew is it time for a nap yet? Please enjoy the pictures.