Friday, October 1, 2010

We are at home this weekend :)



The family

Happy Baby = happy mom

After traveling for the last few weekends and moving I am glad to say Adalie and I will be home this weekend. Last weekend we were in Salem and Eugene. Sunday, in Eugene, Adalie and I attended Tiffany's beautiful wedding. WOW - talk about a gorgeous wedding and dress. We love you Tiff! **very happy for you***.

Adalie is getting her first two teeth, yes at the same time. How cute is she. The bottom two front teeth are racing through her gums...note to self it is possible for a child not to sleep for 24 hours and no 10 minute naps don't count. It's my own Karma, Monday at work I was talking about how her new tooth wasn't really bothering her...little did I know the next four nights would prove me wrong.

We are moved into our new home - in town!!!! SO HAPPY TO BE IN TOWN!!! I can actually go home for lunch if I want.

Here are some updated photos - lots of love to everyone - take care and stop by and say hi if you have a minute- would love the company :)