Saturday, January 8, 2011


vrrrooom - I love to ride my rocker

I love my Great GMa & GPa

Ahh, I love my Grandpa and Grandma too

Ahhh Mason you're so sweet

My Aunt and Uncle are the best - I love them too

It's official, Addie is 1. I can't believe it, neither can Rick. Our little girl is 1! Wow....

We had a nice little get together on Saturday, just a few friends and family members. It was perfect. Addie tried a bite of cake, Rick ended up buying her a real cake instead of the nonsugar one I was going to bake for her. To our surprise she daintily picked at it and then was ready to get back to socializing. We were expecting gobs of cake in the mouth and frosting every where...maybe next year.

Things of interest to note at Addie's first birthday:

She has two bottom teeth and one upper tooth
She is almost walking and has taken her first steps without support
She loves to play peek-a-boo with doors
She now feeds herself
She loves to throw the ball for Porter
Her favorite toy is her stacking blocks
She loves yogurt
She holds the ear of whoever is holding her (her security blanket in a sense)
She is very social and loves to be around people

Happy Birthday baby!