Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Porter Puppy the Protector

People told us that our dogs would be just fine around the baby but we never imagined our little rambunctious Porter to take on the protector role. He is diligent about checking baby Adalie especially if she is crying or sniffling. This is a huge relief to Rick and me. We were just not sure if he would try to play with her or pee on her....??? We are thankful that he is her puppy protector. While she was crying today he picked up his "bobo" (a long stuffed animal that is his most cherished toy) and brought it over to her crib and dropped it. Now if dogs could talk I think he would have said something along these lines, "here is my toy, now you should be happy". As I picked her up and sat in the rocking chair he followed us and laid down right besides us until she was asleep. In the picture above he was just getting ready to go lay down on his bed, as if he were saying, "see she's all better now because of me". What a great dog!