Monday, August 22, 2011

Addie Dancing at Gma and Gpa Beach Casa

Oregon Coast and Camping

Addie went and saw all the fishes again at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. This time she could actually imitate the fish and really liked the seals.

This past weekend we went camping with Candy and Bob and had a great time. Wish we could have stayed longer. It was perfect weather, perfect friends and a great camp site.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mason and Adalie

Mason, from the valley, came over with his parents (Chris and Susan) this weekend. Adalie loved playing with Mason. We even took a nice cool dip in the canal behind the house. Sunday Morning Susan (Mason's Mom) and I ran/hiked/walked the haulin' Aspen, a half marathon trail run. It was perfect to have the company and control of another human telling me to go slow. Susan is just about three weeks recovery of a stress fracture and I am about three weeks recovery of a torn achillies tendon. Both of us were broken and in great spirits just to be out...and not passed by too many people. We finished strong and actually running. What a great weekend. Enjoy... ps random picture of the family of birds that have taken up residence in my back yard all four huge birds (only one baby bird pictured)