Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Scare a New Mom

New parents expect to go through sleepless nights and many hours of trying to sooth a crying baby but what we (my husband and myself) were not ready for was a quiet night. Little Adalie had a busy day yesterday with lots of holding, lots of loving and a new friends birthday party.

Once home from her day she fell asleep around 11:30 after her normal feeding, I thought to myself, alright a few hours of sleep for me too until she wakes again for her 2am feeding. At 4am when I woke up by myself without the normal crying my heart stopped. I immediately bent over to where Adalie was laying silently...I checked to make sure she was still breathing...yes. I put my hand on her stomach to make sure she was still warm...yes. I took her temperature, to make sure she didn't have a fever..yes. I woke my husband up and asked him if I should wake her up. Him and I decided that no, we'll let her sleep and she'll wake us up when she's ready. Well at 5:30 she finally started to stir. She ate and then went right back to sleep. She proceeded to sleep all day until 3. She was tired and Mom was freaking this normal! How can she sleep this much. I will stop trying to answer this question for today and just thank my lucky stars that she likes her rest :)


Look at me I'm a flower

This is my flower face...hahaha